Sunday, 29 March 2015

Foreign projects and equity crowd funding in India

The Crowd funding scene in India seems to be a highly lucrative one at present. Based on three different aspects, crowd funding can be a great support for foreign projects too. Reward based programs tend to offer a cohesive platform for accepting banker's donations for projects while those based on lending tend to be more people oriented and those that facilitate loans to the needy. And then there is the equity based crowd funding where donors are allowed a share of equity in the project or start up in which they are investing. However, the equity based trend is not legal in India as of now. The Companies Act 2013 in India makes it mandatory for all listed companies to spend 2% of their profits on CSR. India can be seen as one of those countries that have a strong presence of NGOs. This is a significant aspect as it implies that crowd funding does stand a very good chance of success. There can be challenges associated with various crowd funding platforms but that is only natural and it tends to go hand in hand with the available number of opportunities that can be present for foreign projects or multi national companies willing to open up branches in India.

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